Pots of Colour

I’ve been mixing delicious colour for my scarf samples for Anthropologie.  I’m creating an  exclusive range of silk scarves for their 1st Scottish store, opening on George Street in Edinburgh on the 15th June 2011.  I will be hand printing these in my studio in Dundee and finishing them myself. I will reveal the scarves on my blog when they are available to buy in the Edinburgh store.  Looking forward to seeing my work in their store.

8 pheasants on George Street, Edinburgh

I’ve had a really great day and finished the artwork for Anthropologie store front!  Feeling exhausted and exhilarated!  I’ve loved the opportunity of taking my design onto a huge scale!  Lots of fun doing it and lovely comments from passers by!

The weather was on my side too, and started to rain just as I finished.  The wind was causing havoc with my stencils but I got there…..   Sore muscles, smiley, happy……..now!

All closed up for the night.

Feathered friends

Just a couple of images of where I’ve got to today.  I’ve been pretty busy up and down scaffolding, more dab, dab dabbing with the brush, stencils blowing in the wind – think my pheasants wanted to take off!  Lots to do tomorrow, with all the stencil of merging patterns and more pheasants.

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Preparation, preparation, preparation…..

Since discovering my design was selected for the hoarding covering Anthropologie‘s new Edinburgh George Street store, I’ve been making sure my original 40 centimetre long artwork can be translated on to the giant 10 meter long space!

I’ve been very busy preparing huge stencils; choosing new delicious especially mixed colours; and laying out the design along my studio corridor to check the scale and visualise the surface I will be decorating.  I love seeing my work in different contexts!

I’m very excited about creating the artwork and a wee bit nervous as Scottish film maker David Council is going to be documenting me through the process.

Fingers crossed for sunny weather in Edinburgh from this Thursday onwards!