Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th October 2013, from 12 noon – 5pm
I would like to invite you to the Dundee Meadow Mill Wasps Artists Open Studios on Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th October from 12noon – 5pm.
My studio will be open with a range of Bargain Boxes with scarves, cards and prints and you can see some of the new things I’ve been working on! I’m on the 4th floor, in studio 404! (there is a lift!!!). I have the lovely Sooz Gordon sharing my studio who styles funky eclectic interiors, makes Dundee inspired cushions and offers Style Surgeries for others to learn about interior design.
Lots artists will be taking part all under the one roof from a wide range of creative practices – painting, ceramics, illustration, textiles, jewellery, installation, interiors, photography and much more. It’s a chance to have a look inside the creative spaces.
As well as the usual amazing array of artists and makers welcoming you into their place of work, this year we have a programme of FREE events in the Gallery Space on Saturday and Sunday (see below). There will be a cafe and a group show of tenants work in the cafe area and Project 2 on the 4th floor. This year we will have a shop curated by Lovely Things with some of their product alongside work from artists and makers. I will have a selection of things in there too, it’s on the 3rd floor, in studio 316.
Saturday 19th
12-1pm Creative Writing with author Zoe Venditozzi (maximum of 8 people)
1:30-2pm The Museum and the Whaleback City – Poetry Reading by Andy Jackson.
Fife-based poet Andy Jackson reads from his poetry collection The Assassination Museum and also from Whaleback City, the new anthology featuring six centuries of Dundee poetry, of which he is co-editor. Expect quirky, accessible poetry on themes as diverse as Daleks, dancing and conspiracy theories.
3:30-5pm Best Bits of Pecha Kucha Dundee (screening).
Sunday 20th
12:30-1:30pm – Meet the Inkers – Vanilla Inkers new intake.
2-5pm TRiGGER : Connectivity @ WASPS 2013 – TRiGGER is holding a participatory drop in afternoon on Sunday 20th October at WASPS Meadowmills Gallery space from 2-5pm. We will be inviting visitors and studio artists to contribute to an informal reflective visual response to WASPS Open Studios weekend. The afternoon is a relaxed and interactive experience with participation welcome from all visitors.
(These events will take place in Project 1 on the 4th floor.)
Ms Battenberg’s Travelling Tea Room will provide a veritable cornucopia of delectable treats. Sit back and relax with some homemade treats and a cuppa. Available throughout the weekend.
Come and try on my scarves and enjoy my colourful patterned studio! Come and see the creative talent Dundee has to offer! For a map please link here.
Please spread the word to others you think may be interested!