These piece are my creative response to ‘Outside In’ which links the outside world to our inner self. Inspired by noticing the positives in nature and the feeling of gratitude creating an inner positive wellbeing. Journeys in nature continually inspire me with its cycles of growth, transformation, rhythm and flow as I explore the harmony and contrast of layering of colour and pattern inspired by moment of wonder in nature. If you would like to add a bit of artwork into your home or office I have each once listed below and you can contact me directly to purchase by emailing

Details of one off artworks

Title: Dappled Light
Medium: Acrylic collage
£180 (framed in 12″ x 12″)

Title: Abundance
Medium: Acrylic collage
£180 (framed in 12″ x 12″)

Title: Spot of Joy
Medium: Acrylic collage
£180 (framed in 12″ x 12″)

Title: Connection
Medium: Acrylic collage
£180 (framed in 12″ x 12″)

Title: Amongst The Trees
Medium: Acrylic collage
£180 (framed in 12″ x 12″)

Title: Flow
Medium: Watercolour collage
£250 (framed in 12″ x 12″)

Title: Harmony
Medium: Watercolour collage
£250 (framed in 12″ x 12″)

Title: Ripples
Medium: Watercolour collage
£150 (framed in 12″ x 12″)

Title: Reflections
Medium: Watercolour collage
£150 (framed in 12″ x 12″)
I loved working with circles and you can read more about my circle love here.

Title: Bouquet of Pheasants
Medium: Acrylic on paper
£300 (framed 51cm x 71cm )

Title: Flying Pheasants
Medium: Acrylic on paper
£180 (framed 43cm x 53cm)

Title: Escargotorie
Medium: Acrylic on paper
£180 (framed 43cm x 53cm)
I think they look good grouped together so if you would like more than one I can offer a discount.

I have a vision of the world full of colourful creative interventions to bring more joy to the spaces we play, live, work and travel through. My aim is to uplift and connect people and highlight the positives by creating artworks that capture a sense of place which creates a sense of belonging. I love to do this with my use of playfully applying colour and pattern.
If you would like to know more about my work and see samples you can see more on my website