Hello there!
Come along and have a peek in my studio, see what creatures are hiding amongst the colourful marks.
I’m opening up as part of WASPS OPEN STUDIOS on Saturday 3rd + Sunday 4th November on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor of an old jute mill in bonnie Dundee. Where 50 creatives will open up their studios in the one building. And we have a new fandangled lift to take you to all the floors!

We’ve all settled into our newly refurbished spaces and lots of fab new artists and designers – such as Nikki McWilliams and her great biscuity cushions, Vanilla Ink and her jewellery studio with 8 jewellers always something that’ll take your fancy, Islay Spalding with jewellery that I think looks great in my lugs, Mhairi Wild and her lovely colourful textiles………. lots of new artists, designers and makers to really makes it worth a visit. And of course some of the folks that have been creating in there for years such as Paola McClure and her wacky soft sculptures, Garry Brown and his wooden driftwood sculptures, artist Louise Ritchie and her expressive artworks, Lindsey Gardiner and her great illustrations that now fashion themselves on cushions and bags……….and many more!
I will have a range of scarves and have some samples on things I’m working on. My lovely mum will be holding the fort for me on the Saturday afternoon and I’ll be there in person on the Sunday. Come along and say hello!
Full list of Open Studios Artists, Designers and Makers taking part – Jonathan Hood, Simon Dwyer, Volker Rosenberg, Peter Mansfield, Tracey Stewart, Nikki McWilliams, Lyndsey Gardiner, Vanilla Ink Kate Pickering, Sally Fenton, Leanne Evans, Scarlett Erskine, Victoria Kelsey, Robin Bell, Audrey Reid, Ruth Morrison, Filipa Oliveria, Joanne MacFadyen, Lynda Watson, Jen Robson, Liz Myhill, Neil McIntee, Islay Spalding, Penelope Anstice, Susie Johnston, Garry Brown, Shona Adam, Louise Kirby, Robert Macmillan, Alistair Evans, Nicole Baudon, Luiza Ramazzotti, Genna Delaney, Madeleine Mackay, Mhairi Wild, Jonathan Burns, Marianne Wilson, Vivien Moore, Paola McClure, Dougie Paterson, Louisa Lewis, Astrid Leeson, Cally Booker, Gearaidh Mac Griogair, Gerard Menzies, Casey Campbell, Claire Anne Grant, Holly Wilcox, Lauren Leiper, Nicola Morrison, Pamie Bennett, Jill Skulina, Emily Inns., Louise Ritchie.