And the winner is……….

The competition to win a scarf has now closed.  Each time my mailbox beeped with another suggestion it made me smile! Here are some of the descriptive words to describe my new work. It’s great to have your help and hearing how others view my work, as writing about your own work can be difficult.

Thanks to everyone who entered, it’s been difficult to  choose.  Some of my favourites are – winsome, vivacious, mesmerising, pulsating, rhythmic, expressive, whimsical, camoflagued, obsessive, textural……….

I whittled it down, then couldn’t decide on one winner so I’ve picked 2.  So what you’ve been waiting for is, the winner is


by Jaclyn and Courtney Crew , please email me your contact details so I can send your scarf –

Thanks again!

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