Pecha Kucha Flyer

PKN 7 flyer 2Final Flyer for the upcoming Pecha Kucha in Dundee!  Thanks to Lyall for the graphics!

 A sample below of an earlier edition.a5 pecha kucha flyer final merged 72dpi webI’ve designed the latest flyer for the Pecha Kucha Vol 7.  In my illustration I really wanted to capture the creativity going on in Dundee using  my signature style.  Using pattern to represent the different creatives, cultural organisations and events happening in Dundee that blend and merge together to create such a rich tapestry of the city, using the iconic silhouette of The Law as a backdrop.  This event also links into the revealing of which city is to be crowned City of Culture 2017.

I’m a huge fan of Pecha Kucha nights organised by Creative Dundee, they are so inspiring!  They’ve always have a great mix of creatives on the line up from people I know to things that I didn’t realise was happening in Dundee and surrounding areas.  it’s a great concept, 20 slides and 20 seconds – it’s gives a fast snapshot!  I did one back in May 2012, a bit scary standing up in front of 200 people!  You can see my one here.

Pecha Kucha Volume 7 will take place on Thursday 21st November at the Bonar Hall in Dundee from 7pm – 10pm.  This is a ticketed event and tickets are available from Eventbright please click here.

If you like my artwork is available for licence or I can create something bespoke for you.

Vision for V&A Dundee

Vision V&A LouiseI’ve created some Patterned Artworks for my vision of what Dundee will look like when the V&A Dundee is built on the River Tay.  In my illustration I really wanted to capture the creativity going on in Dundee using  my signature style.  Using pattern as a metaphor to show the energy and creativity that weaves, blends and merges together with all the different creative people, cultural organisations and events happening in Dundee.

My Patterned Artworks have a natural flow that echo natures organic ability to sit in harmony to its surroundings and I see the V&A Dundee fitting into Dundees’ changing landscape very well.

Wool Delaine Louise Kirby small for web

This image is digitally printed on wool to create a wall hanging.  The Patterned Artworks could be printed on a multitude of products from tea towels, ceramics, cushions, scarves, prints, mugs, notepads… the list is endless!  I would love to be commissioned to create Patterned Artworks for the V&A Dundee.

My wall hanging will be on show at the Wasps Artists Open Weekend on the 19th & 20th October outside my studio on level 4, studio 404.  You can find out more about the Open Studio weekend on my previous blog.

Sneak Peek into Dundee Creatives Studios

wasps open studio 2013

Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th October 2013, from 12 noon – 5pm

I would like to invite you to the Dundee Meadow Mill Wasps Artists Open Studios on Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th October from 12noon – 5pm.

My studio will be open with a range of Bargain Boxes with scarves, cards and prints and you can see some of the new things I’ve been working on!  I’m on the 4th floor, in studio 404! (there is a lift!!!).  I have the lovely Sooz Gordon sharing my studio who styles funky eclectic interiors, makes Dundee inspired cushions and offers Style Surgeries for others to learn about interior design.

Lots artists will be taking part all under the one roof from a wide range of creative practices – painting, ceramics, illustration, textiles, jewellery, installation, interiors, photography and much more.  It’s a chance to have a look inside the creative spaces.

As well as the usual amazing array of artists and makers welcoming you into their place of work, this year we have a programme of FREE events in the Gallery Space on Saturday and Sunday (see below).  There will be a cafe and a group show of tenants work in the cafe area and Project 2 on the 4th floor. This year we will have a shop curated by Lovely Things with some of their product alongside work from artists and makers.  I will have a selection of things in there too, it’s on the 3rd floor, in studio 316.

Saturday 19th
12-1pm Creative Writing with author Zoe Venditozzi (maximum of 8 people)

1:30-2pm The Museum and the Whaleback City – Poetry Reading by Andy Jackson.

Fife-based poet Andy Jackson reads from his poetry collection The Assassination Museum and also from Whaleback City, the new anthology featuring six centuries of Dundee poetry, of which he is co-editor. Expect quirky, accessible poetry on themes as diverse as Daleks, dancing and conspiracy theories.

3:30-5pm Best Bits of Pecha Kucha Dundee (screening).

Sunday 20th
12:30-1:30pm – Meet the Inkers – Vanilla Inkers new intake.

2-5pm TRiGGER : Connectivity @ WASPS 2013 – TRiGGER is holding a participatory drop in afternoon on Sunday 20th October at WASPS Meadowmills Gallery space from 2-5pm. We will be inviting visitors and studio artists to contribute to an informal reflective visual response to WASPS Open Studios weekend. The afternoon is a relaxed and interactive experience with participation welcome from all visitors.

(These events will take place in Project 1 on the 4th floor.)

Ms Battenberg’s Travelling Tea Room will provide a veritable cornucopia of delectable treats. Sit back and relax with some homemade treats and a cuppa. Available throughout the weekend.

Come and try on my scarves and enjoy my colourful patterned studio!  Come and see the creative talent Dundee has to offer!  For a map please link here.

Please spread the word to others you think may be interested!

Wee Wellie Wander

ground graffiti web smallI wanted to showcase a different type of work that I do.  If I’m not designing my own surface patterns I do some work for Angus Council Education Development Service creating and delivering project for schools.

One of the projects I worked on was Wee Wellie Wander, I worked in partnership with Angus Council Ranger Service at Crombie Country Park to develop a Learning Resource to support teachers and early years practitioners to engage very young children creatively in using the park as a stimulus to looking, exploring, listening, talking, making and doing.

I created a colourful self-led teacher pack includes includes images and descriptors for a variety of rich and creative learning activities using simple tools and natural materials.

Crombie tree wrap 2 smallI loved doing this project as it really matched my passion for the great outdoors and being playful and creative.  It was great coming up with ideas and taking the ideas to final pack where I’ve seen children enjoying taking part and asking interesting questions and seeing their learning and curiosity.  I also brought on artist Astrid Leeson to bounce ideas and have a few creative days in the park coming up with ideas.  It was great to feel like a big kid and come up with things others would enjoy doing and discovering.

Crombie Woodland Weaving small

Park Ranger Lisa King was a wonder to work with, as she’s is so passionate about the park, open to ideas, very proactive and practical.  I wanted to do some sort of weaving using natural materials, so we chose the best spot and she made a frame by the time I came the next week – you might see it if you’re in the park (look out for the Magic Spot), feel free to add to the natural cloth!

colour spots photo smallWith my own work I’m fascinated with colour, pattern, mark making and I wanted to bring elements of my work came into the park.  I used my bird stencils but instead of using paint as I do in my studio we used bird seeds to create pictures that repeat and also can play with symmetry and watching the birds eat them.  I’ve got a fascination with yarn bombing and I love moss growing  up trees which I though looked like leg warmers so we decided to get lots of colourful balls of wool and wrap the trees.  Other activities include recording markmaking and memory string that allows pupils to collect mementos from their day so they can revisit it.

I highly recommend Crombie Country Park for a wander it’s one of my favourite places.

Pupil quotes from using the Wee Wellie Wander pack

“I liked squashing the plasticine to get bumpy bits from the trees” – P1 pupil

“I made a sun picture, and we made it with seeds and it’s going to feed the birds” – Nursery Pupil

“I liked reading the story in the forest and doing al the actions and noises” – P1 pupil

Teacher quotes from using the Wee Wellie Wander Pack

“the pack was easy to use and the activities were enjoyable – my pupils had a great time and are still talking about it.  It allows the children a hands on learning experience in and unfamiliar and exciting environment” – P1 Teacher

“We had great fun and learned lots of new and interesting things and are looking forward to developing our new ideas in our own outdoor area!” – Nursery Practitioner

I have facilitated CPD with Park Ranger Lisa to a range of  for Angus teachers and Early Years Practitioners so they can bring their own groups to experience the richness of the park.  The pack and resources are now available at Crombie to use (booking is essential through Crombie Country Park)  You can also see a copy of the pack here

The project was funded by People Directorate – Arts and Cultural Education Team and Creative Scotland, Creative Learning Networks fund, developed with EDS Project Artist in Residence Louise Kirby.


image005ranger serviceimage003


Coming soon new collection

Patterned Field Plate coming soonI have been working on a new collection for Autumn Winter 2014 using my signature style of lovely organic movement using repetitive marks and textures in delicious colours.

This A/W 2014 Hallyburton Collection is inspired by the abundance of inspiration on my doorstep where I live on a Perthshire country estate.  I’m continually inspired by the changing seasons and fascinated at the harmonisation of the flora and fauna blending together.  I’m often found exploring knee deep amongst the grasses and dotted wild flowers, wandering through the woods of dappled trees and patchwork fields.  I hope my designs perfectly capture the essence of my surroundings.

This new Autumn/Winter 2014 Hallyburton Collection uses a palette of greens and a hint of warm chestnut.  Pattern artworks include my fascination of pheasants as I follows their footprints, textured of stacked logs and expressive dotty marks of the nature’s elements.

Collections can be licensed or I can be commissioned to create something bespoke for your products.

Full collection to be revealed soon.  If you would like to be emailed a copy of my new collection or sent a hardcopy in the post please email me with your details.


Lets go on a journey together…

land rover web imageI was lucky to be selected to take part in the coaching with Cultural Enterprise Office with Lynn O’Neill.  I really enjoyed the bespoke personal service and allowing myself the time to develop.  I was encourage to think BIG, so I wanted to showcase my patterned artworks on a product that would dispel the myth that my artwork was only for scarves.  So I started an self initiated project, for my all time favourite car the Land Rover Defender.

I think the brand really matched the essence of what I’m about and my love of the great outdoors.  I wanted to use my patterned artwork and signature style of delicious colours, patterns, and expressive mark making with a rhythmic flow capturing the essence wilderness of the landscape to create sophisticated, natural and beautiful designs suitable for Land Rover Defender.

land rover section by louise kirby

So I set about creating some hand painted paper designs using imagery of the landscape, fields of pattern and animals.  My visualisation was that I see the Land Rover Defenders as something that can go anywhere with no obstacle and I wanted to capture this in my artworks by merging and blending a variety of terrains into one another to give the feeling that Land Rovers can go anywhere, with spontaneous marks the emphasise the thrill, and adventure of the Land Rover Experience through the rugged British countryside.

I could imagine my patterned artworks on  – exterior bodywork, spare wheel covers, interior upholstery, promotional leaflets, collectable toys, and water bottles to hoods.

From there I needed to visualise the artwork on a product, so without getting my hands on the real thing I tried putting my designs on simple line drawings.  Here are some of my samples.

Land Rover Repeat in Product web

land rover red in product webI searched for the biggest model I could afford and got this lovely toy and set about applying my design idea on the product.  I also made a hand printed silk wheel cover too!  I loved the little model so took it to the park to do a wee photo shoot. Here are some of the photos from that day.

Land Rover web

Land Rover View webLand Rover water web

Land Rover Grass web

I hope you like my creation; do you imagine driving about with my design on it?

I’d love to go on an adventure with Land Rover where I bring the creativity and they bring the wheels!

wheel commission louise kirby web

Drawing with Stitch in St Andrews Museum

Louise Kirby Stitch WorkshopI spent a lovely morning in sunny St Andrews at the St Andrews Museum running a Drawing with Stitch workshop to go with the Botany Cultivating Collections exhibition.  We had an inspiring wander round the gallery looking for shapes and images we would want to use in our own hand stitched drawstring bags.  I was taken by an enlarged model of a pea in the pod. Here’s my wee sample below.


There was a lovely mix of images, painting and objects to choose from.  Everyone was taken by something different for their design from seaweed, still life painting by Peploe, daisies to the table cloth in the activity room.  We used a mix of stitches from running, daisy, chain and embellished with buttons or added applique in a relaxed atmosphere.  Here are a few samples.







The exhibition finishes this Sunday 12th May so pop along if you can.  This exhibition was set up by the Museum and Gallery Students from St Andrews University.  The proceeds of the participants fees went to the St Andrews Botanical gardens and there’s a donation box in the gallery too.

Drawing with Stitch workshop for 11-16 year olds at the DCA


I’m running a 4 week block of Drawing with Stitch for 11-16 year olds  at the DCA.  Where we will create cool tote bags.  The course runs from the 25th April from 6pm – 8pm for 4 consecutive weeks.  I’ve designed this to learn some basic hand sewing skills and also to encourage participants own creativity creating unique outcomes.    Looking forward to meeting all the budding new designers and seeing their creative results.  Block needs to be booked directly through the DCA box office and more info here.

Being a textiles and surface pattern designer I’m always using lots of ways of markmaking and stitch adds a lovely quality of line.  I love decorating surfaces in images, patterns and words.

Here’s some some of my stitch samples below




Here are some of the young peoples creations, they worked so hard over the 4 evenings learning new stitches and creating a tote bag


owl in progress

owl bag

Cultivating Collections Stitch Workshop

Louise Kirby Stitch Workshop

I will be doing a stitch workshop at St Andrews Museum on the 4th of May from 10.30am – 12.30pm, inspired by the Cultivating Collections Exhibition.  Participants will decorate a wee bag using stitch and embelishment.  No experience necessary it will be a relaxed and creative session.  All proceeds will go to St Andrews Botanic Gardens.  Please contact the venue directly for booking – 01334 659380..

St Andrews is a lovely place to spend the day!  I think I’ll have to check out Joules and Bibis when I’m there too!

New year and new products – cushions, cards, art prints and canvases

Stripy Fields Framed ArtI’ve signed up to Society 6 that allows designers to have a range of products.  I have 3 of my designs Fields of Pattern, Stripy Fields and Spotty Fields on this website producing cushions, cards, art prints and canvases for me.

Cushions come in 3 sizes 16″ x 16″, 18″ x 18″, 20″ x 20″ and you can choose to have the cushion pad included or not, available in all 3 designs.  Please click on the cushion and you will be taken to the website.

Fields of Pattern Pillow

Spotty Fields Pillow

Stripy Fields Pillow


Cards come in a pack of 3 of the same design and are available in all 3 designs.  Please click on the card to be directed to the website.

Fields of Pattern Card Spotty Fields Card

Stripy Fields Card

Art Prints come Framed or Unframed and in various sizes in all 3 designs. Please click on the card to be directed to the website.

Fields of Pattern Framed Art

Spotty Fields Framed Art

Stripy Fields Framed Art


Canvases  in various sizes on white canvas using the latest Epson archival inks, are also available please click here to see.

All products are available directly through Society6, the website is in dollars and it ships  to the UK for a small fee.  Enjoy shopping!  Part of my mission to cover the world in my patterns!