Drawing with Stitch in St Andrews Museum

Louise Kirby Stitch WorkshopI spent a lovely morning in sunny St Andrews at the St Andrews Museum running a Drawing with Stitch workshop to go with the Botany Cultivating Collections exhibition.  We had an inspiring wander round the gallery looking for shapes and images we would want to use in our own hand stitched drawstring bags.  I was taken by an enlarged model of a pea in the pod. Here’s my wee sample below.


There was a lovely mix of images, painting and objects to choose from.  Everyone was taken by something different for their design from seaweed, still life painting by Peploe, daisies to the table cloth in the activity room.  We used a mix of stitches from running, daisy, chain and embellished with buttons or added applique in a relaxed atmosphere.  Here are a few samples.







The exhibition finishes this Sunday 12th May so pop along if you can.  This exhibition was set up by the Museum and Gallery Students from St Andrews University.  The proceeds of the participants fees went to the St Andrews Botanical gardens and there’s a donation box in the gallery too.

Drawing with Stitch workshop for 11-16 year olds at the DCA


I’m running a 4 week block of Drawing with Stitch for 11-16 year olds  at the DCA.  Where we will create cool tote bags.  The course runs from the 25th April from 6pm – 8pm for 4 consecutive weeks.  I’ve designed this to learn some basic hand sewing skills and also to encourage participants own creativity creating unique outcomes.    Looking forward to meeting all the budding new designers and seeing their creative results.  Block needs to be booked directly through the DCA box office and more info here.

Being a textiles and surface pattern designer I’m always using lots of ways of markmaking and stitch adds a lovely quality of line.  I love decorating surfaces in images, patterns and words.

Here’s some some of my stitch samples below




Here are some of the young peoples creations, they worked so hard over the 4 evenings learning new stitches and creating a tote bag


owl in progress

owl bag

Cultivating Collections Stitch Workshop

Louise Kirby Stitch Workshop

I will be doing a stitch workshop at St Andrews Museum on the 4th of May from 10.30am – 12.30pm, inspired by the Cultivating Collections Exhibition.  Participants will decorate a wee bag using stitch and embelishment.  No experience necessary it will be a relaxed and creative session.  All proceeds will go to St Andrews Botanic Gardens.  Please contact the venue directly for booking – 01334 659380..

St Andrews is a lovely place to spend the day!  I think I’ll have to check out Joules and Bibis when I’m there too!

Sneak + Peek

I’ve been creating some one-off, hand printed scarves in my studio.  The Sneak + Peek collection is inspired by the pheasants hiding amongst the fields.  Where I live there are thousands of pheasants but it’s not till you come close that they reveal themselves with their distinctive call warning all there pheasant friends to look out.  The mono printing technique that allows me to capture the textures of the fields and no two scarves are the same.  Each scarf is reversible to allow you to change your look and get two scarves for the price of one!




Material – 100% Silk Crepe de Shine

Dimensions – 32cm x 180cm (aprox)

Price – £120

Scarves are available to buy directly from me, please email me hello@louisekirby.com   I will include free postage and packaging to any UK address.


Lovely Day Stitching in Anthropologie Edinburgh Store

I’ve spend Saturday in the Anthropologie Edinburgh store doing a Stitch Workshops for Anthropologie customers.  We were located in the lovely garden area downstairs, with lovely plants, paper tree trunks from the window display and surrounded by lovely Anthropologie products- perfect!









My workshop uses stitch and embellishment to decorate little bags.  I brought along some stencils of things I use in my work – trees, leaves, pheasants, words and a wee Christmas pudding for a bit of festive cheer.  I made some samples in advance to give people the idea of what to do and we used a range of wool, buttons, beads and ribbons….

I love it the window display at he moment!  Pop along to see the giant paper owl!

Lots of passing people watching us from the windows and shoppers interested in us doing crafty stuff.

It was also great to be in store where my artwork is being used on Anthropologie wool scarves, with one of the style now half price – you’ll need to be fast to get one!  And I’ve got such a connection with the store with originally doing the temporary storefront which is now being featured in store on the stairs area and I’ve also created collections of hand printed scarves for them.

Lots of happy makers with their finished bags!














We had lots of great finished products – cute elephant, button trees, dashing dog, leaves, christmas pudding and festive cat…… to name a few.






































All the money raised is going to The Woodlands Trust Scotland (once I know the amount I’ll update you!)  Thanks to all that came along and enjoyed the workshops!

Christmas Craft in Edinburgh Anthropologie Store

I’m going to be in the Anthropologie Edinburgh store on the 17th November doing a Christmas Craft workshop.  Using Drawing with Stitch and embelishment, where you can create you very own little cotton bag.  I’m sure there will be a pheasant or two sneaking and peeking amongst the stitches and some woodland inspiration and of course some christmas cheer!

This event is for Charity and all the proceedings will go to The Woodlands Trust Scotland.  I wanted to pick a charity that fitted with my work and thought they fitted perfectly.

This event must be pre-booked in advance, see above flyer.

Looking forward to it!

All Wrapped up…..

It’s that season, the leaves are changing colour and their is a chill in the air!

I just wanted to let you know about my artwork being used on 2 Anthropologie scarves called Wings of Braemar.  They are only available through Anthropologie stores and online.

They are a lovely quality of wool and I love wearing mine!  I’m really proud that my logo features on the edge and sold in their stores all over Europe and USA and online.  It’s great   having my work reaching a wider audience and with such a high profile that I really admire.

I hope you like them!

Thanks for reading my blog!

Scottish Parliament – what is child labour?

I was really privileged to be invited to the Scottish Parliament to celebrate the artworks created by Scottish pupils, where pupils looked at global citizenship through the visual arts ran by Learning Teaching Scotland.

Myself, both primary 7 teachers Mrs Martin and Mrs Jack, head teacher Mrs Davie and 3 pupils Yasmine, Rachel and Caitlyn took the trip through the rain through to Edinburgh to see the exhibition. It was lovely to be there see the textile cushions in the Parliament also the diverse range of interpretation by other schools and to see the interior of the building.

I was the lead artist that worked with Fintry Primary School, primary 7 classes to look at – What is child labour?  Pupils discussed issues and translated these through a range of textile methods from hand printing using stamping and relief printing, applique, embelishment and blanket stitch to make cushion panels that explored issues of child labour.  Sketch books were also on display showing the issues, templates, ideas in progress and test samples.

Pupils looked at Article 32 or the United Nations Convention on the rights of the Childs – ‘The government should protect children from work that is dangerous, or might harm their health and education’ – They explored the links between the textile industry and child labour and what is sold in shops in the UK.  The children printed patterned on to the fabric  – a metaphor for the comfort we in the West can take for granted as the expense of others’ living and working conditions.  Learners gained an insight into the lives of working children and this provided them with opportunities to discuss the complexity of child labour.

For more information of the exhibition please follow this link LTS

It was a delight to also got see the wall hangings of textile artist and researcher Norma Starszakowna  – amazing flow of colour, texture and marks!