Making a splash

Here is my artwork I created for the new manicure and pedicure space within The Sunflower Rooms in Dundee.  Owner Jennifer Comiskey approached me after seeing the video of me creating the giant storefront art work for Anthropologie.  She wanted me to create something unique for her space not just a painting or feature wall paper.

I was delighted to be asked to use me signature style (pattern, colour, markmaking, silhouettes) to create a bespoke artwork that reflected an elegant femine feel in the colour scheme of red, grey and black.  
First I came up the some sketch ideas of what I proposed to create based on an initial chat and look at the space.  Then I showed Jennifer and she chose her favourite and gave me artistic freedom within the room.  The actual painting took a few days using a mixture of hand painting and stencilling.  The artwork grew and flowed around the room.

The room has a lovely contemporary feel and it’s nice to have something other than sunflowers too!  Jennifer used other local business to create her bespoke beautiful space.

I hope clients enjoy getting their twinkle toes and fancy fingers done surrounded by my colourful artwork.

Here’s some photos of the artwork in progress.

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