for your tootsies, hoofs, trotters, paws or feet

I’ve moved to the countryside allowing me to be surrounded by my inspiration of Scottish wilderness and thousand of pheasants!  After days out exploring the area I would come home with muddy welllies or walking boots, so I decided to make myself a doormat  to keep my house nice and clean!  Here’s some examples of my hand painted doormats.

Hand Printed Doormat

Indoor use only

Helping to keep your home clean

Each one unique

Material – Coir Mat, PVC backed.

Introductory offer of £25, only available for collection from my studio, please email me if you would like one

I also had a little play with some other silhouettes and patterns I like!



Sneak + Peek

I’ve been creating some one-off, hand printed scarves in my studio.  The Sneak + Peek collection is inspired by the pheasants hiding amongst the fields.  Where I live there are thousands of pheasants but it’s not till you come close that they reveal themselves with their distinctive call warning all there pheasant friends to look out.  The mono printing technique that allows me to capture the textures of the fields and no two scarves are the same.  Each scarf is reversible to allow you to change your look and get two scarves for the price of one!




Material – 100% Silk Crepe de Shine

Dimensions – 32cm x 180cm (aprox)

Price – £120

Scarves are available to buy directly from me, please email me   I will include free postage and packaging to any UK address.


Lovely Day Stitching in Anthropologie Edinburgh Store

I’ve spend Saturday in the Anthropologie Edinburgh store doing a Stitch Workshops for Anthropologie customers.  We were located in the lovely garden area downstairs, with lovely plants, paper tree trunks from the window display and surrounded by lovely Anthropologie products- perfect!









My workshop uses stitch and embellishment to decorate little bags.  I brought along some stencils of things I use in my work – trees, leaves, pheasants, words and a wee Christmas pudding for a bit of festive cheer.  I made some samples in advance to give people the idea of what to do and we used a range of wool, buttons, beads and ribbons….

I love it the window display at he moment!  Pop along to see the giant paper owl!

Lots of passing people watching us from the windows and shoppers interested in us doing crafty stuff.

It was also great to be in store where my artwork is being used on Anthropologie wool scarves, with one of the style now half price – you’ll need to be fast to get one!  And I’ve got such a connection with the store with originally doing the temporary storefront which is now being featured in store on the stairs area and I’ve also created collections of hand printed scarves for them.

Lots of happy makers with their finished bags!














We had lots of great finished products – cute elephant, button trees, dashing dog, leaves, christmas pudding and festive cat…… to name a few.






































All the money raised is going to The Woodlands Trust Scotland (once I know the amount I’ll update you!)  Thanks to all that came along and enjoyed the workshops!

Christmas Craft in Edinburgh Anthropologie Store

I’m going to be in the Anthropologie Edinburgh store on the 17th November doing a Christmas Craft workshop.  Using Drawing with Stitch and embelishment, where you can create you very own little cotton bag.  I’m sure there will be a pheasant or two sneaking and peeking amongst the stitches and some woodland inspiration and of course some christmas cheer!

This event is for Charity and all the proceedings will go to The Woodlands Trust Scotland.  I wanted to pick a charity that fitted with my work and thought they fitted perfectly.

This event must be pre-booked in advance, see above flyer.

Looking forward to it!

All Wrapped up…..

It’s that season, the leaves are changing colour and their is a chill in the air!

I just wanted to let you know about my artwork being used on 2 Anthropologie scarves called Wings of Braemar.  They are only available through Anthropologie stores and online.

They are a lovely quality of wool and I love wearing mine!  I’m really proud that my logo features on the edge and sold in their stores all over Europe and USA and online.  It’s great   having my work reaching a wider audience and with such a high profile that I really admire.

I hope you like them!

Thanks for reading my blog!

Come and have a peek!

Hello there!

Come along and have a peek in my studio, see what creatures are hiding amongst the colourful marks.

I’m opening up as part of WASPS OPEN STUDIOS  on Saturday 3rd + Sunday 4th November on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor of an old jute mill in bonnie Dundee.  Where 50 creatives will open up their studios in the one building.  And we have a new fandangled lift to take you to all the floors!

We’ve all settled into our newly refurbished spaces and lots of fab new artists and designers – such as Nikki McWilliams and her great biscuity cushions, Vanilla Ink and her jewellery studio with 8 jewellers always something that’ll take your fancy, Islay Spalding with jewellery that I think looks great in my lugs, Mhairi Wild and her lovely colourful textiles………. lots of new artists, designers and makers to really makes it worth a visit.  And of course some of the folks that have been  creating in there for years such as Paola McClure and her wacky soft sculptures, Garry Brown and his wooden driftwood sculptures, artist Louise Ritchie and her expressive artworks, Lindsey Gardiner and her great illustrations that now fashion themselves on cushions and bags……….and many more!

I will have a range of scarves and have some samples on things I’m working on. My lovely mum will be holding the fort for me on the Saturday afternoon and I’ll be there in person on the Sunday.  Come along and say hello!

Full list of Open Studios Artists, Designers and Makers taking part – Jonathan Hood, Simon Dwyer, Volker Rosenberg, Peter Mansfield, Tracey Stewart, Nikki McWilliams, Lyndsey Gardiner, Vanilla Ink Kate Pickering, Sally Fenton, Leanne Evans, Scarlett Erskine, Victoria Kelsey, Robin Bell, Audrey Reid, Ruth Morrison, Filipa Oliveria, Joanne MacFadyen, Lynda Watson, Jen Robson, Liz Myhill, Neil McIntee, Islay Spalding, Penelope Anstice, Susie Johnston, Garry Brown, Shona Adam, Louise Kirby, Robert Macmillan, Alistair Evans, Nicole Baudon, Luiza Ramazzotti, Genna Delaney, Madeleine Mackay, Mhairi Wild, Jonathan Burns, Marianne Wilson, Vivien Moore, Paola McClure, Dougie Paterson, Louisa Lewis, Astrid Leeson, Cally Booker, Gearaidh Mac Griogair, Gerard Menzies, Casey Campbell, Claire Anne Grant, Holly Wilcox, Lauren Leiper, Nicola Morrison, Pamie Bennett, Jill Skulina, Emily Inns., Louise Ritchie.

All Bagged Up

I’m delighted to announce that Anththropologie have chosen one of my design for their new collection. One of my pheasants is now fashioning itself on a tote bags in the USA and UK.  You can check out the tote bag here, they are only available directly through Anthropologie.

I love seeing my artworks on different products and how Anthropologie have styled it with it’s plain back and slightly sparkly handle – and of course seeing my logo on their products with their tags.

It’s exciting to think that my artwork is reaching a bigger audience here in the UK and the USA.

I personally think myself and Anthropologie make a great combination for collaborations and the whole experience has been a pleasure!

Snail trails……..

I spend a lovely few hours with some creative crafty ladies at my ‘Create your own bespoke shopper – drawing with Stitch and Button’ workshop for Fife Contemporary Art & Craft.

To start the session I showed some of my samples with various stitch techniques, then we all had a rummage through the buttons – everyone loves buttons!  Stripy ones are my favourites!  I really encouraged creativity in a relaxed atmosphere and I hope all the participants enjoyed the session and it has given them a taster or inspiration to continue being creative!

I created a stripy snail design meandering across my shopper.  I am fascinated with snails and their trails.  I’m continuing to work on it in the evenings to as I find it really relaxing.All the participants created lovely things from – tree with button leaves, art deco flowers with a lovely red and black button border, flowers using all the stitches, chain stitch bamboo using lovely wool, intricate patterns and motifs.

It was a lovely relaxed atmosphere at the venue Vic in St Andrews, where we got the tastiest scones with cream and apricot jam – yummy! (i had more than one!!!)

Thanks to Fife Contemporary Art & Craft for inviting me to run a workshop in St Andrews.

Drawing with stitches workshop

I’m running a workshop in St Andrews this Saturday 10th March for Fife Contemporary Art & Craft.  To create your own bespoke reusable shopper – drawing with stitches and embellishing with buttons.  It’ll be a lovely relaxed session being creative, meeting new people and creating something unique.  For more info and to book please click here