Hogmanay Scottish First Foot Tradition

Here in Scotland its tradition on Hogmanay (New Years Eve) to give a first foot gift after midnight.  Traditionally gifts would be whisky to represent financial prosperity and good cheer, a lump of coal to represent warmth and to keep the fire burning, or a black bun or shortbread to symbolise that the receiving family would not go hungry during the forthcoming year.

Or a Dundee tradition I’ve been hearing about through Lynne Campbell (local folk singer) is the Dundee tradition of dressed herring in paper bonnets and skirts, which is meant to be a good luck charm (not for eating).  Never seen it but sounds pretty unusual and cool!
A couple of alternative Scottish First Foot Gifts in Dundee would be a Dundee Cake Tea Towel from my Dundee Delights collection of illustrated gift products or some Char Coal cheese from The Cheesery (Broughty Ferry or Exchange Street), which the first all black delicious vintage cheddar cheese with charcoal.  Message me on social media or by email of what you like to be gifted as a first foot?

At the bells a Robert Burns song of Auld Lang Syne is often sung (or belted out!) or the bag pipes or some cheesy tunes.

All round Scotland on New Years Day some brave people take part in The Dook, where you go in the freezing water whatever the weather.  You’ve got no chance of me doing that but I’ll will be watching The Dook in Broughty Ferry, with all the fun costumes and brave people.  More info on it here.

What will you be doing for Hogmanay?  Tucked up cosy in bed before the bells of partying the night away.  What ever you’re doing enjoy and all the best for 2020!




Photo credit: David Band Photography

Wasps Open Studios Dundee

If you want to feel inspired come along to Wasps Open Studios in Dundee on the 26th & 27th October, home of the artists and designer of Dundee.  It’s a sneak peek into the studios were you will see a real variety of creative practices.

I will have my full range of illustrated products called Dundee Delights plus one-off prints, new Christmas card designs and of course a bargain box.  If you’ve never been to my studio before you’ll see my love of pattern and it’s a bit chaotic!  My Dundee Delights collection is highlighting the great things here in Dundee, everything from the V&A Dundee to Dundee Cakes.

Come along and see designers, makers and artists in their own creative spaces, where you will have a chance to enjoy a chat and even the chance to purchase some items right from where its made!

You’ll find a wide variety of work including textiles, fashion, illustration, printmaking, jewellery, drawing, painting, sculpture and ceramics.

Also, a great way to find out more about our exciting range of events, workshops, and learning opportunities!  more info on the Facebook event page 

Provincial Penguin Loving Local Foods

Hello! I’d like to introduce you to Provincial Penguin!

I’m delighted to have painted a penguin on the Maggie’s Penguin Parade.  Number 64 on the trail map, next to the 5 penguin sculptures.  It’s great to be part of the trail of 80 penguins to find in Dundee and surrounding areas and the money raised is for Maggie’s Dundee.  You can find out more about it here.

Provincial Penguin is inspired by the delicious visitors’ offering for tourists visiting the area.  Filling its tummy up with local produce such as Dundee marmalade, Dundee cake, strawberries, shortbread, salmon and fresh fish.  You may even find something from a hotter climate on it’s tummy inspired by my sponsor.  Big thanks to Nandos Dundee for picking my penguin design. 

Here’s a few photos of the process of me painting my penguin in The Wellgate, I enjoyed painting along with other artists and designers. Continue reading

Fun A Day Exhibition

Fun Fun Fun!  

During the month of January I took part in Fun A Day, where you do something fun every day.   I wanted to explore and play with an idea with no defined outcome to see where it takes me. Adapting the ‘Five Currant Buns’ nursery rhyme as a starting point.  I went on a journey and did some sketches of bakers shops, ink drawings, illustrations, patterns and then focused on creating a range of paper cuts of local shop fronts and all cool things they sell.  I love local independent shops on the high street.  

The exhibition opens on Friday 13th April at 7pm, and is on over the Saturday and Sunday from 10am – 7pm at Gallery space, 4th floor, WASPS Studios, Meadow Mill, Dundee, DD1 5BY.   The exhibition will have an eclectic mix of projects that happened in January.

A few of the things I created during Fun A Day will be developed in the future, I can imagine a range of illustrations to a 5 Dundee Cakes in the bakers shop counting book. Doing the paper cuts allowed me to think about the positive and negative space and keep designs quite simple.  I’ve been playing with these by adding colour and texture since January.  Here are some test pieces

Some of my pieces will be for sale, please contact me directly hello@louisekirby.com or call/text 07841423335. 

For more info on the whole event check out the Fun A Day exhibition page

X Marks the Spot for Dundee Delights

On Tuesday 3rd April, I will be leaving visual clues on my social media, for people to find my Dundee Delights greetings cards around the city, if you would like to take part keep an eye on my Instagram, Twitter or my business Facebook page.  I would love to see where my cards end up and who finds them, so please let me know via social media or drop me an email hello@louisekirby.com

  •  Kirbyrecipes
  •   Kirbyrecipes
  •  LouiseKirbyDesign

Louise Kirby Dundee Delights greetings cards celebrate some of the delicious delicacies and iconic places in and around Dundee. Her designs have a fresh approach to the city whilst retaining the hand drawn qualities. The new collection will include Dundee Marmalade, The Wellgate Clock, V&A Dundee from the Tay Bridge, Magdalen Green Bandstand and Sunny Dundee image. Previous designs include Broughty Ferry Beach + Castle, The Dundee Penguins, Dundee cakes, Frank Gehry’s Maggies Centre, Dundee Contemporary Arts and The McManus. This collection is in the World Favourite Colour of Marrs Green and sunshine yellow to capture the positive direction the city is heading.

WASPS Open Studios 28th & 29th October

WASPS Open Studios 2017

When: 28th & 29th October, 12noon—5pm on both days
Where: 2nd, 3rd & 4th floors Meadow Mill, West Hendersons Wynd, Dundee, DD1 5BY

I will have my new Dundee Delights cards, enamel pins and tea towels available (and hopefully some screen prints)

Continue reading

Launch of new Dundee Delights collection by Louise Kirby

Dundee Delights is a new illustrated greeting cards collection by designer and illustrator Louise Kirby.  Launching on Friday 13th October by giving a fresh and positive image of the city.   Louise will place free cards around the city hoping that the finders will send them to friends and family locally and to the far corners of the globe.  Louise would love to hear of where they end up be it an Aunty in Australia who loved days at the ferry beach as a child, an old school or university friend in another city that you want to hello to, or invite your granny in Lochee for a coffee and cake.  To share where they end up either email Louise Kirby on hello@louisekirby.com or #DundeeDelights on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Louise Kirby Dundee Delights greetings cards celebrate some of the delicious delicacies and iconic places in and around Dundee.  Her designs have a fresh approach to the city whilst retaining the hand drawn qualities.  Designs include Broughty Ferry Beach + Castle, The Dundee Penguins, Dundee cakes, Frank Gehry’s Maggies Centre, Dundee Contemporary Arts and The McManus.  This collection is in the World Favourite Colour of Marrs Green and sunshine yellow to capture the positive direction the city is heading.  Dundee, the UK’s only UNESCO City of Design. 

The Dundee Delights collection is available to buy from her Etsy online shop, the Dundee Contemporary Art shop, Pretty Fly in Broughty Ferry and coming soon to Visit Scotland (located in the city square) and directly from Louise Kirby at the WASPS Open Studios on 28th & 29th October 2017, Makers for Maggies on 2nd December 2017.

Designs include:

Broughty Ferry Beach + Castle

Patterned sand looking over to Broughty Ferry castle with a happy sun shiny Dundee cake sky, evoking memories of days at the beach.

The Dundee Penguins

The characterful 5 bronze penguins by sculptor Angela Hunter that make people smile as they walk past and sometimes they have been known to adorn clothes and hats.

9 Dundee Cakes in the Bakers Shop –  available in sunshine yellow + marrs green

Local delicacy of the Dundee Cake, with the lovely pattern of the almonds on top.

Frank Gehry’s Maggies Centre

Maggies Centre designed by world renowned architect Frank Gehry here in the city which I believe is evidence of how good design changes peoples’ lives providing a place of calm, support, nurture and tranquility created within a purposeful space. Externally, I enjoy the shape and movement of the roof which I feel echoes the local landscape.

Dundee Contemporary Arts

Creative and cultural hub in Dundee with the curved face of different surfaces which is invites you in to the space which houses 2 cinemas, print studio, galleries and a bar and a restaurant.

The McManus

Dundee’s art gallery and museum in the fantastic gothic revival architecture, I love dramatic staircase and the detail in the architecture.  So many stories lye within this building I particularly love the ceramics, Dundee and the World exhibitions and the Tay whale.

Loved Dundee Design Festival 2017

I’ve loved Dundee Design Festival 2017 it’s provided me with inspiration, professional development, place to work, networking and nourishment for me and my practice – just what I needed!

Here are some highlights

Pecha Kucha, with a line up of 13 interesting speakers, my favourites were Leanne Fischler and views on consumerism and the mesmerising sound of Panda Su.

Creative Dundee created a WRKSHP space for designers to work during the festival.  I used for for a couple of days which was great to be part of the whole event as well as tap into things happening.  With Make/Share round the table, I particularly liked the passion and perseverance of Steph Liddle with ceramics.  Great to hear Brian and Mark from McGinaly Bell architects on the start of the journey imaging what the West Ward Works could be in the future and Biome Collective and the creative, interactive and varied work the gaming collective get up to.

My Make/Share was about the process of creating the 12 hand printed patterned illustration wooden panels for last years Dundee Design Festival chatted about the initial conversation with Sion, mind maps, sketches, screen printing, tests, decisions I had to make including the happy accidents and many late nights to pull it off!
There was lots of things take part in, dicsuss and hear about.  Print City was amazing, I love screen printing and the giant 3d shapes really created a interesting space to walk around and loved that the community had a part to play in the creating the visuals.

I chose a blue triangle for Silent Monitors, where the colours and positions were decided by people opinions of how you felt on how your data was being used.

I ate popcorn and drumstick lollipops while watching Graphic Means film brought to the festival by D:Screening.  The documentary was on the history of graphic design production, I didn’t realise how technical it used to be, I bet folk are happy with their apple macs now, even through I’m more of a cut and paste type of person!

Discussion of Why Should we make more with the cool brand Trakke, historic and very profitable Johnstons of Elgin, Clare Cooper and designing aides for the elderly and the inspiring Fi from Make Works.  It highlighted my feeling that we are consuming too much and really should by things that you love with a quality to last or be repaired.

The building is such a great space with the real industrial feel with the exposed pipes and extractors, faded painted lines that separate area and the lovely sunshine shining streaming through the coloured windows.

This worked well with the simplicity of the bright tables legs created by Old School Fabrications showcasing the Factory Floor exhibition bringing together a collection of makers, materials and machines from Orkney to Detroit.  Great to see the links with music and design as well as technical advances of the Ninewells x DJCAD radiotherapy mask and familiar faces of Hilary Grant and her beautiful knit patterns.

There was so much more to see from family workshops, talks, demonstrations, DCA shop with exclusives from Tom Pigeon and Whimsical Lush, tours in the building and factories in the area, Mak Lab workshop, Factory Floor Exhibition, live recording of Creative Chit Chats with a range of questions – looking forward to hearing them!  Not to mention the cool opening night with delicious cocktails on the opening night! Loved the colour combination of the new branding by Sooper DD and Fleet Collective.

Well done to Sion Parkinson and the team that brought it all together!  For more info on the Dundee Design Festival 2017 follow the link.

bespoke wall hanging design commission

I wanted to share a bespoke wall hanging I did a while ago that I forgot to share.

A private client asked me to create a wall hanging for the stairs area in her home that would brighten it up.  She’d seen my work at Wasps Open Studios in Dundee and liked my style.  We discussed what she liked about it for me to create a clear brief for the project.  In particular she liked circular shapes, movement, curves, mark making and feathery grasses with a natural flow of patterns merging into each other (nothing sharp, or dense).  We then talked about colours, type of fabric and finishings.  I visited her home so I could get a feel for the space and to measured up.

I did some sketches that include different composition, colours and imagery (probably more than I needed to as I really got involved in this project – wee problem when you enjoy what you do!)   Continue reading

Commission for The Wine Press

The Wine Press 3

The Wine Press commissioned me to create artwork for their wine bar in Dundee.  I was delighted to create not one but four bespoke pieces for their interior space that would lead the eye round and add as an accent colour, imagery and joy.The Wine Press

The process involved an informal meeting with owner Patrick Rhode to discuss the brief.  This helped me to drill down exactly what he wanted.  The brief was to have a celebratory feel, be colourful, to include the colour gold and to have the latin phrase ‘in vino veritas’ which mean in wine their is truth.  We talked about where wine came from and his love for gnarly grape vines.  He send me some photos of vineyards from his business trips which I included some of the imagery in the final images.

The Wine Press drawingFrom our meeting I did lots of sketches of different compositions and imagery ideas.  I love drawing, markmaking and patterns so I created some interesting relevant images and marks and movement that would compliment the design.  Then I exposed the images onto screen.  I did colour tests, then started hand screen printing onto the wood panels.The Wine Press 1

I chose to hand screen print as I love the flatness of the colour and clear lines and textures it has without loosing the quality of the drawing.  I am very experimental and playful with the way that I screen print using lots of stencils and overprints.  I do love getting my hands dirty in the studio!

The Wine Press 2I work well to a deadlines and it was tight as I had to have it completed so it could be installed before their 1st Birthday celebrations.  And I did it !

Patrick knew of my work so trusted me to come up with something.  And he was delighted when I dropped it off – phew!

Patrick Rhode says ” Louise did a fantastic job and more than delivered on her remit.  Her work is beautiful and has brightened up the bar which is exactly what I’d expected and hoped it would do.  Oh, and she delivered on time!!!  Very professional.”

I think The Wine Press is a lovely space for an afternoon coffee, or a glass of wine or bubbly with friends and the platters are delicious!

Thanks for reading, let me know what you think when you see them.  You can follow me on Facebook or TwitterThe Wine Press 6

The Wine Press 5