I was really privileged to be invited to the Scottish Parliament to celebrate the artworks created by Scottish pupils, where pupils looked at global citizenship through the visual arts ran by Learning Teaching Scotland.
Myself, both primary 7 teachers Mrs Martin and Mrs Jack, head teacher Mrs Davie and 3 pupils Yasmine, Rachel and Caitlyn took the trip through the rain through to Edinburgh to see the exhibition. It was lovely to be there see the textile cushions in the Parliament also the diverse range of interpretation by other schools and to see the interior of the building.

I was the lead artist that worked with Fintry Primary School, primary 7 classes to look at – What is child labour? Pupils discussed issues and translated these through a range of textile methods from hand printing using stamping and relief printing, applique, embelishment and blanket stitch to make cushion panels that explored issues of child labour. Sketch books were also on display showing the issues, templates, ideas in progress and test samples.
Pupils looked at Article 32 or the United Nations Convention on the rights of the Childs – ‘The government should protect children from work that is dangerous, or might harm their health and education’ – They explored the links between the textile industry and child labour and what is sold in shops in the UK. The children printed patterned on to the fabric – a metaphor for the comfort we in the West can take for granted as the expense of others’ living and working conditions. Learners gained an insight into the lives of working children and this provided them with opportunities to discuss the complexity of child labour.

For more information of the exhibition please follow this link LTS
It was a delight to also got see the wall hangings of textile artist and researcher Norma Starszakowna – amazing flow of colour, texture and marks!