Pick me, pick me, pick me – British Airways Competition!

I’ve entered my dream competition – British Airways Great Britons! They’re looking for an artist to have their design on 12 aeroplanes in conjunction with the Olympic and Paralympic Games here in the UK in 2012 with some mentoring from Tracey Emin.  What an amazing opportunity! I’d love to cover the world in my designs.


Thanks to Cara Pirie who  helped my out big time with the 2 minute film clip.  – and it was exactly 2 minutes!

So fingers crossed I get through to the next stage, out of all the thousands of entries!

Pick me, pick me, pick me!

Goodbye Meadow Mill and Hello Airlie Place!

I’ve moved temporarily to Airlie Place for 6 months while the refurbishment goes on at Meadow Mill.   I’m loving my new space at Airlie Place, which used to be Dundee University student residence.  I’ve settled in really well, it’s a great location, love having a sink in my studio and a fireplace to sit my brushes.

WASPS provide cheap studio rent for artists and are refurbishing all 3 levels of the mill – heating, improving the windows, gallery space, some wifi and a common area for all those creative collaborations and including a lift! The unused space on the 4th floor is going to be made into studio too. Here’s what it look like now.

I think it was a really good process to have a good clear out, sort through years of clutter and box ever thing up.

Here’s my new view from my window

There’s some great views from the corridors of the river Tay and Law hill.

Think I’m going to enjoy my time at Airlie Place! For lots of creativity – playing with colour, pattern, textures and silhouettes.

Scottish Parliament – what is child labour?

I was really privileged to be invited to the Scottish Parliament to celebrate the artworks created by Scottish pupils, where pupils looked at global citizenship through the visual arts ran by Learning Teaching Scotland.

Myself, both primary 7 teachers Mrs Martin and Mrs Jack, head teacher Mrs Davie and 3 pupils Yasmine, Rachel and Caitlyn took the trip through the rain through to Edinburgh to see the exhibition. It was lovely to be there see the textile cushions in the Parliament also the diverse range of interpretation by other schools and to see the interior of the building.

I was the lead artist that worked with Fintry Primary School, primary 7 classes to look at – What is child labour?  Pupils discussed issues and translated these through a range of textile methods from hand printing using stamping and relief printing, applique, embelishment and blanket stitch to make cushion panels that explored issues of child labour.  Sketch books were also on display showing the issues, templates, ideas in progress and test samples.

Pupils looked at Article 32 or the United Nations Convention on the rights of the Childs – ‘The government should protect children from work that is dangerous, or might harm their health and education’ – They explored the links between the textile industry and child labour and what is sold in shops in the UK.  The children printed patterned on to the fabric  – a metaphor for the comfort we in the West can take for granted as the expense of others’ living and working conditions.  Learners gained an insight into the lives of working children and this provided them with opportunities to discuss the complexity of child labour.

For more information of the exhibition please follow this link LTS

It was a delight to also got see the wall hangings of textile artist and researcher Norma Starszakowna  – amazing flow of colour, texture and marks!

Edinburgh Anthropologie Opening

I had a fantastic night at the opening of the 1st Scottish Anthropologie Store in Edinburgh on George Street.

What an amazing store! There’s so many great things about it, it’s boutique-like on a large scale, with lovely displays, lots of lovely textures, and amazing clothes and home ware.

I can’t believe how they have used my artwork form the hoarding, amazing blocky feature near the stairs – much bigger and better than I could of imagined.  Some of  my pattern used within the artwork spanning over 2 floors.

It was funny as lots of people recognised me from the video of me creating the hoarding artwork.  Concept & Graft were there too.

It was great to see my hand printed scarves within the store and also being worn!

Cocktails, delicious hor d’oeuvres and oysters – top night!

Lindsey Gardiner and her quirky dog paintings, fantastic!

Also there’s an photography exhibition by David Eustace.

Live auction for With Kids and the lovely ceiling.

Here’s a link to the Press Release on Textiles Scotland website.

Sneak preview

Here is a sneak preview of the scarves I did for Anthropologie Edinburgh.  I’m looking forward to going to private opening tonight – cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, exhibition, auction and I can only imagine a fabulous range of products displayed in their boutique style.  Looking forward to seeing my scarves within their store.

I was asked to do a collection of scarves for the opening after creating the giant temporary storefront artwork, a piece of this will be in-store too.  The scarf design combines my dapple print with some flying or standing pheasants.  Hand printed with a merging of colours to create the blended effect and overprints.   These scarves are only available in-store.


Artwork taken off….

The giant artwork I created for Anthropologie Edinburgh George Street is now down.  If you missed me creating the Artwork or didn’t get a chance to see it in person in Edinburgh you can check it out the video of me creating it here.

A big THANK YOU to Concept & Graft for creating the film of me and my work for Anthropologie temporary storefront hoarding.  I love the film, I think it really captures a sense of me and my work.  Film maker David Council was great – really down to earth, which made me feel at ease, so much so that I forgot the camera was there and just smiled as I painted, printed and stencilled all my colours and patterns.  You can check out the other projects  Concept & Graft website.

I just saw the film on the Guardian website too.

Looking forward to the store opening on the 15th June 2011!

Pots of Colour

I’ve been mixing delicious colour for my scarf samples for Anthropologie.  I’m creating an  exclusive range of silk scarves for their 1st Scottish store, opening on George Street in Edinburgh on the 15th June 2011.  I will be hand printing these in my studio in Dundee and finishing them myself. I will reveal the scarves on my blog when they are available to buy in the Edinburgh store.  Looking forward to seeing my work in their store.

And the winner is……….

The competition to win a scarf has now closed.  Each time my mailbox beeped with another suggestion it made me smile! Here are some of the descriptive words to describe my new work. It’s great to have your help and hearing how others view my work, as writing about your own work can be difficult.

Thanks to everyone who entered, it’s been difficult to  choose.  Some of my favourites are – winsome, vivacious, mesmerising, pulsating, rhythmic, expressive, whimsical, camoflagued, obsessive, textural……….

I whittled it down, then couldn’t decide on one winner so I’ve picked 2.  So what you’ve been waiting for is, the winner is


by Jaclyn and Courtney Crew , please email me your contact details so I can send your scarf –  hello@louisekirby.com

Thanks again!

8 pheasants on George Street, Edinburgh

I’ve had a really great day and finished the artwork for Anthropologie store front!  Feeling exhausted and exhilarated!  I’ve loved the opportunity of taking my design onto a huge scale!  Lots of fun doing it and lovely comments from passers by!

The weather was on my side too, and started to rain just as I finished.  The wind was causing havoc with my stencils but I got there…..   Sore muscles, smiley, happy……..now!

All closed up for the night.