Circles keep popping up in my life! I’ve been reflecting on my design practice through the years (24 years ago since I started professionally in the creative industries from leaving DJCAD. I’ve gone down a bit of a rabbit warren and found a whole series of designs and artwork from the last 24. years through my time as a textile designer into more recently where I create bespoke artwork for the public realm. It’s funny how different themes stay at my core.

More recently I found lots of circles in my research of all the departments within Dundee Contemporary Art building for their site-specific window design commission.
The various patterns inside the circles captures the range of activity that goes on inside the building and I loved playing the layout of the of them bouncing/floating as if they were moving and falling into place. Giving an energetic feel! I adored this commission, from the research, problem solving, developing the concept and the trust of the DCA to create my creative response to the building. If you want to read more about the process of this you can here

With each design commission I am responding to the place, the people who use the space and the purpose of adding designs so that I can give the best results possible with the biggest impact.
These circle designs have a more homely feel as they were for the communal corridor in a sheltered housing unit and tenants wanted to have a less clinical and corporate feel. The circle shape allowed me to group together common themes that came from the tenant consultation and the arrangement of the circles in colour groups to aid wayfinding. If you would like to read more about my sheltered housing work you can here

Then popping up more recently is the circle shutter art part of a parade of artwork for Stobswell in Dundee, for the the local Chinese takeaway. I love the clashing of colour and impact from a distance but when you get closer you can see the meaningful decoration inspired by the local area. This giant circle was made using a makeshift compass with a bit of string and chalk – old school methods at their best! If you want to read more you can here

For the Riso Soup Misprint publication and exhibition of exploring the concept of misprints and serendipitous errors I chose to explore exciting combinations of how colour and pattern sit together, playing with layout and movement to create this composition as if elements are misprinted.

Most recently circles are for my creative response to ‘Outside In’ which is inspired by noticing the positives in nature and the feeling of gratitude that creates an inner positive wellbeing. I loved playing with the composition of the different textures, images and surfaces to create these circles of circles.

Circles are such satisfying shapes to play with….. I’m sure you’ll see more in my future work! And check out the lovely stacked circles in in this lovely eco house at Guardswell Farm that I saw last week.

I have a vision of the world full of colourful creative interventions to bring more joy to the spaces we play, live, work and travel through. My aim is to uplift and connect people and highlight the positives by creating artworks that capture a sense of place which creates a sense of belonging. I love to do this with my use of playfully applying colour and pattern.
I am ready to take on new design challenges and if you have a project, collaboration or commission in mind please get in touch or you can check some samples on my website to give you a flavour of previous projects.