My first export order has gone over the pond and far away… all the way to New York! They have flown to 2 of Anthropologie’s stores in New York – the Chelsea Market store and 16th & 5th store.
These hand printed scarves are all handmade by me in Scotland; and each scarf is ever so slightly different. It’s intensive and very much a labour of love to design and craft my scarves to create the finished product.
Here’s a wee bit of info on the processes from start to finish: From the mixing of dyes to create delicious pots of colour, I do lots of testing to get the right shades. Hand screen printing each scarf individually using complicated blending techniques and stencils of pheasants. Mono printing the reverse side, gives a very unique hand made quality where each mark is scratched in. Washing the screens, hanging to dry, steaming of silk to fix the dyes, hand washing till any loose dyes are removed (and by this time my fingers have all gone wrinkly), ironing, sewing and adding in the care labels. Then attaching the official Anthropologie labels, felt good! Packaging up and to note the massive amount of paperwork from purchase orders to packaging list then Fed Ex-ing over the pond!

It’s been a real learning experience working on this project and I’d like to thanks to the whole Anthropologie team that helped me get through all the hoops for exporting. I felt like a very little fish swimming across the Atlantic Ocean or perhaps more apt, a wee Scottish birdie flying across the Atlantic Ocean!
My work sits so well with Anthropologie’s brand and values; with their ethos of quality, love of pattern, and how they really embrace working with artists and makers. I think this makes them them unique even though they are such a big company.
Their unique shopping experience means you just want to spend time in their stores. The beautiful displays are always a feast for your senses; and so many beautiful things mixed with very good styling and visual merchandising.
It’s great how having created the storefore front for their new Edinburgh store in May (see video), I’ve since designed a small collection for the Edinburgh store and now scarves for the New York stores. I really hope the ladies of NYC like my scarves, who knows who will be wearing them!