Dundee Design Festival

West Ward Works
I would like to invite you to the Dundee Design Festival, from Thursday 26th – 28th May in West Ward Works.  I was commissioned to create a series of surface patterns to tell a contemporary Dundee design story.  All my designs are hand screen printed on wood and dispersed through gallery, can you spot them all?

Dundee, the UK’s only UNESCO City of Design is hosting the first Dundee Design Festival from the 25th – 28th May 2016.  The theme for the first Dundee Design Festival is “Place. Work. Folk. Design.” through it explores the potential of design to connect the city’s communities and improve our everyday lives.  This exhibition weaves together some of the great design stories currently emerging from the city, including new innovations in textiles, games design and design for health and wellbeing.

The event is FREE but you need to book ticketshttps://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/dundee-design-festival-tickets-24394298002

There is a real mix of things in the exhibition so it allowed to use my design skills to create images that brought it all together to tell the story, things included: eeGeo 3d mapping, sonic pills, bullet proof vests, fashion + textiles, Hand of X, tools of makers, the changing landscape of the V&A coming.

Frank Gehry Maggies Centre Dundee

I have used the CMYK colour palette to make references to printing methods.  In the image above of Frank Gehry Maggies Centre.  Chosen not only as it represents a building designed by world renowned architect but because I believe it evidences how good design changes peoples’ lives providing a place of calm, support, nurture and tranquility created within a purposeful space. Externally, I enjoy the shape and movement of the roof which I feel echoes the local landscape.

Within the imagery and patterns there are deeper meanings, for instance the colourful pattern is cancer cells, the teacups and books to show support and lavender to give a sense of calm, the sky is a positive sunny yellow patten to show the positivity of space and support.

“It’s very difficult for people to go through experiences like this, and I wanted to create a building that would be calming and accommodating, and one that would be a fitting tribute to Maggie. I think it’s an inviting building, I think people will want to come inside and spend time there, and I really hope that in some small way it might contribute to a sense of rejuvenated vigour for moving forward and living life.”  Frank Gehry, (October,2003)

Let me know what you think of the designs in the show – can you find all 12 of them?

Pieces are for sale, please contact me directly for a price list.

You can keep up to date with my work on

Instagram – kirbyrecipes  https://www.instagram.com/kirbyrecipes/

Twitter – Kirbyrecipes https://twitter.com/KirbyRecipes

Facebook – LouiseKirbyDesign https://www.facebook.com/LouiseKirbyDesign/

Drawing Dundee by illustrator Louise Kirby

Dundee PehToday I’m starting a new project called Drawing Dundee.  I am going to draw local products and places in the city and around the city and post every Wednesday on my social networks –  so keep your eyes peeled. (starting Wednesday 2nd March) Continue reading

It’s dreich outside but these will brighten up your day

red pudding Louise KirbyHere is some of my festive designs on cards –  tasty Christmas Pudding, well fed Robin and Winter in Dundee. Continue reading

Meadow Mill Open Studios

meadow mill open studio 2015
I will be taking part in Meadow Mill Open Studios where 35 plus artists, designers and makers open their creative spaces to let you get a behind the scenes look.  Open on 24th & 25th October from 12noon – 5pm on both days.red pudding web

Continue reading

Peek at the V&A Dundee Hoarding


Just back back from my holiday so I missed the reveal of the winner of the V&A Dundee Hoarding Design, I was itching to find out as I was in competition against them for the tender.  I drove past to get a peek.  Here’s a few snapshots.

comic 2comic 3comic 1

Well done to  comic illustrator Will Morris and graphic designer David Mackenzie for their ‘adventures in design’ comic idea.  I may not have won but I see it as a positive experience being able to showcase my work to both V&A Dundee and V&A London panel.
close up

I was delighted to be put forward by a panel, as one of ten designers chosen to tender to design the V&A Dundee hoardings.

With a clear brief, prestigious project, large scale, Dundee links and tight deadline it really got my creative juices flowing. Continue reading

Hallyburton Collection Autumn/Winter 2014

Patterned Fields Swirl 72dpi webHere’s my new images for next years 2014 Autumn/Winter Hallyburton Collection.  All inspired by where I live on a country estate in the heart of Perthshire, Scotland.  I’m surrounded by an abundance of inspiration on my doorstep!

Louise Kirby Woodland Wandering 72 dpi

Mood a circleMood c circleMood b circle

Mood d circle

Mood e circle

Mood f circle

I’m continually inspired by the changing seasons and fascinated at the harmonisation of the flora and fauna blending together.  You often find me exploring knee deep amongst the grasses and dotted wild flowers, wandering through the woods of dappled trees and patchwork fields – I hope my designs capture the essence my surroundings.

Elemets brush 72dpi web

Pheasant Footprint brush 72dpi web

This new Autumn/Winter 2014 Hallyburton Collection uses a palette of greens and a hint of warm chestnut.  Some of my artworks include my fascination of pheasants as I follow their footprints around the estate, textured of stacked logs and expressive dotty marks of nature’s elements.

tree rings repeat merged 72dpi web

I create sophisticated patterned artworks for your products using my signature style of a lovely organic movement using repetitive marks and textures in delicious colours.

Stacked logs stripe 72dpi web

Patterned artworks collections can be licensed or I can be commissioned to create something bespoke for your products.

Patterned Fields Green 72dpi web


Cards – Winter in Dundee

Winter in Dundee 1It’s that season again…….. I’m going to mention the Christmas word!  I’ve created an artwork called Winter in Dundee and made it into some cards which would make perfect Christmas cards!

Snowflake Dundee Blue web

They are A5, locally printed and blank inside for your own message.  Available to buy directly from me, please email me on hello@louisekirby.com or pop into the DCA shop in Dundee to get them.  They are priced £2.45 each.

I will be taking part in the Wasps Artists Christmas Sale on 30th November if you want to get some there, where I will be offering a special offer of  3 for £5.00.  For more info on the Artist Christmas Sale please click here.

They artwork has my signature style  using rhythmic mark making and merging patterns to represent the creativity happening in Dundee.

Winter in Dundee