I am delighted to be commissioned by The Woodlands Trust Scotland to help draw attention to an oak tree in Glasgow’s Kelvingrove Park to help it win European Tree of the Year. Continue reading
Author Archives: Louise
It’s dreich outside but these will brighten up your day
Here is some of my festive designs on cards – tasty Christmas Pudding, well fed Robin and Winter in Dundee. Continue reading
Meadow Mill Open Studios
Wee Wellie Wander
I wanted to share the learning resources I’ve created for Angus Councils Ranger Service to support Teachers and Early Years Practitioners to engage at Crombie Country Park, Forfar Loch and Monikie Country Park. Packs are designed to engage young children creatively in using the park as a stimulus to looking, exploring, listening, talking, making and doing. Each packs is a colourful self-led facilitators packs for teachers and EYPs that includes images and descriptors for a variety of rich and creative learning activities using simple tools and natural materials. The activities are all very open so they can follow the interest of the children and can link lots of areas of the curriculum.
I created this resource within my time as freelance artist & designer at Angus Council Schools & Learning within the Creative Learning Team and worked in partnership with the Ranger Service.
New packs have been created for Monikie Country Park and Forfar Loch from the success of the pack created for Crombie Country Park. The Crombie pack was funded by Creative Scotland through the Creative Learning Networks fund.
Each pack has been adapted to suit the location with core elements the same but also have additional bespoke activites suited to each site. I love working at site specific places and responding to the surroundings, coming up with ideas and bouncing ideas with the rangers. It was great to work with Rangers – Kat Durkan from Monikie and Mhairi Kimmet from Forfar Loch who were so passionate about love of their park and outdoor learning.
Forfar Loch additional activities are ‘fabric of the land’, ‘wullie the woodlouse’, ‘wish you were here’, ‘i see a shape’ and ‘bug eyed’. Monikie additional activities are ‘countryside clues’, ‘pecking the patterns’, ‘natures perfume’ and ‘monikie monster’.
As a designer I enjoyed illustrating the maps for the new packs at Forfar Loch and Monikie Country Park, I wanted to create something simple and decorative but also practical and informative.
Myself and the rangers co-facilitate CPD sessions for Angus teachers and EYPs which are very popular with great feedback from previous attendees. CPD sessions are designed to develop teachers’ skills and confidence to creatively engage young learners in learning outdoors using art, design, and the natural environment. Once attending the CPD the resources can be booked out at the parks to use with their classes and groups.
I feel that this project really matched my passion for the great outdoors, being playful and creative and love of encouraging learning. With my own work I’m fascinated with colour, pattern, mark making and I wanted to bring elements of my work came into the park such as I used my bird stencils but instead of using paint as I do in my studio we used bird seeds or breadcrumbs to create pictures that repeat and also can play with symmetry and watching the birds and ducks eat them.
I highly recommend Crombie Country Park, Monikie Country Park or Forfar Loch for an explore and wander. Also look out for the Giant in the Forest at Crombie or Monikie!
I feel that being outdoors really inspires me and I don’t pretend that I’m an expert in nature but I used my creative thinking to get ways for people to look, stop, think, question, record what they see through simple activiities.
Festive Forbes of Kingennie
I’m always inspired in the great outdoors so being asked to create an illustration for Forbes of Kingennie Country Resort Festive Brochure was perfect match for me and my work.
They wanted to do something different and part of my job is to capture the essence of the place and to bring their vision into reality.
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Peek at the V&A Dundee Hoarding
Just back back from my holiday so I missed the reveal of the winner of the V&A Dundee Hoarding Design, I was itching to find out as I was in competition against them for the tender. I drove past to get a peek. Here’s a few snapshots.
I was delighted to be put forward by a panel, as one of ten designers chosen to tender to design the V&A Dundee hoardings.
With a clear brief, prestigious project, large scale, Dundee links and tight deadline it really got my creative juices flowing. Continue reading
A wee bit of magic in the woods
Last weekend for Easter I created a wee bit of magic in the woods with a trail in the countryside with clues and things to do for my family and friends. Ending in the woods where I created a giant nest filed with golden bunnies as prizes, blue painted stones round tree trunks and on a tree added some windows, doors and washing line to encourage a bit of imagination.
I loved playing and coming up with the idea for space outside and for everyone to experience the magic too. I think the adults enjoyed it as much as the kids! Continue reading
Outdoor Art Engagement
Just an update on an outdoor art project with a 3rd Year group from the Prince’s Trust XL Club at Arbroath High School.*Prince’s Trust xl clubs are for young people aged 13 – 19 for developing their skills and confidence for a positive future
I designed and delivered a 6 week creative engagement programme with interior designer Sooz Gordon to work on team building, allowing participants to be expressive and try new techniques and break a few perceptions. Over the weeks we took art out of the classroom and workshops took place outside. We creating transient art in the school grounds – from ground graffiti, yarn bombing, hula hoop structures and mild vandals. Mild Vandals was inspired by a current international graffiti movement. Each session was fast paced due to the limited 50 minute lesson time. Continue reading
Hallyburton Collection Autumn/Winter 2014
Here’s my new images for next years 2014 Autumn/Winter Hallyburton Collection. All inspired by where I live on a country estate in the heart of Perthshire, Scotland. I’m surrounded by an abundance of inspiration on my doorstep!
I’m continually inspired by the changing seasons and fascinated at the harmonisation of the flora and fauna blending together. You often find me exploring knee deep amongst the grasses and dotted wild flowers, wandering through the woods of dappled trees and patchwork fields – I hope my designs capture the essence my surroundings.
This new Autumn/Winter 2014 Hallyburton Collection uses a palette of greens and a hint of warm chestnut. Some of my artworks include my fascination of pheasants as I follow their footprints around the estate, textured of stacked logs and expressive dotty marks of nature’s elements.
I create sophisticated patterned artworks for your products using my signature style of a lovely organic movement using repetitive marks and textures in delicious colours.
Patterned artworks collections can be licensed or I can be commissioned to create something bespoke for your products.
Cards – Winter in Dundee
It’s that season again…….. I’m going to mention the Christmas word! I’ve created an artwork called Winter in Dundee and made it into some cards which would make perfect Christmas cards!
They are A5, locally printed and blank inside for your own message. Available to buy directly from me, please email me on hello@louisekirby.com or pop into the DCA shop in Dundee to get them. They are priced £2.45 each.
I will be taking part in the Wasps Artists Christmas Sale on 30th November if you want to get some there, where I will be offering a special offer of 3 for £5.00. For more info on the Artist Christmas Sale please click here.
They artwork has my signature style using rhythmic mark making and merging patterns to represent the creativity happening in Dundee.